Pro forma financial statements that tell you when your business can be profitable.

Offtoa replaces confusing spreadsheets so that you can put your time and energy into growing your business.
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Offtoa on mobile devices
From Complex to Easy
  • Enter business details and Offtoa instantly generates pro forma financial statements
  • Offtoa analyzes your business and offers suggestions on how to improve
  • Create multiple business scenarios that can be easily modified

Perfect For Small Businesses With Big Ideas

"With Offtoa I can get answers to just about any question I have: What’s my breakeven on this new product? If we move the location of manufacturing, what’s the impact on COGS and profit per unit? What is going to happen if we ramp up to a million units by the end of this year? Which of four possible scenarios is best for us?"

J. Glen House, MD, MBA, Founder of Adapta Medical, Inc

"I have been playing with Offtoa for a while. We tested different business models, for example, variations and mixes between selling large products, licensing, and selling our apps as downloads and even adding downloadable content. It is very intuitive, really fun to play with, and easy to update. With Offtoa we did in half an hour what previously took us months. Now we know what we don't know, and what to talk about when we meet with potential partners or investors. You have no idea how much you simplified our lives!"

Iván Gris, PhD, Lead Founder, Inmerssion

"Offtoa . . . is indispensable for a talented but inexperienced entrepreneur. It collects and makes sense of the most vital information the company needs to be able to discuss fluently with investors and understand their company. You can move things around and find the key levers of control in your business. A must have tool!"

Chi Atanga, Founder, The Walls of Benin

"As a small business owner starting a second company Offtoa made it incredibly easy to run pro formas enabling us to do the necessary planning to move our business forward."

Dan Bauer, President, Bauer Wealth Management

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